18 Jun, 2020
Enhance Organization Productivity
Time has changed, organizations are seeking new ways to enhance their productivity. Automated platforms are replacing the old approach of performing manual operations.
To make your employees work effectively on other job responsibilities, repetitive manual tasks that should be automated using online HR solutions. Here are some of them;
Drive Employee Engagement:
To develop a better understanding of roles and responsibilities, employees need their devoted engagement. An Employee Self Service Portal would help in serving the purpose of bringing the employees together and effective information exchange. A user friendly portal that would motivate employees to log in and use it. Through this activity, employees would have a better understanding of organization and its hierarchy.
An online portal that would help employees in managing their accurate and up-to-date data. It would result in reduced number of errors and less time and money consumption. One solution with multiple benefits; it would provide employees access to information that is important to them, and would ease the employee data management tasks of HR department.
Centralized Database
Reducing the time and effort required in looking for data; by providing one centralized database. Get instant access to required data from anywhere with this online platform. By hosting the database on cloud, data could be fetch in less time by spending less calories and from any of location.
Online Recruitment
Recruit the skilled resource from a large pool of talent. An online platform to easily perform talent hunting job. It reaches out to a large audience of job applicants and filters the results on the basis of your filtered criteria. Short listing the candidates with strong relevant skill set. Reducing you recruiting cost and seeking out the best talent with strong skills profile for your organization. It helps you to streamline processes for recruitment and selection procedure.
Ease Documents Access
HR managers need no more to spend time in creating and distributing tax documents or payroll documents. Through this portal every employee can easily access all of these documents. It would not only reduce the burden of HR department but would also minimize employees’ rely on HR Department. Not only this, any updates in policy or documents would directly be made available to all or group of employees.
Cost effective Solution!
Cost effective online HR platform that is designed for every type of business. No matter what’s the size of your organization; it would support your requirements even if you are a small business with limited budget.
With above mentioned benefits, an organization can easily achieve desired productivity level. A simple and easy to use employee self-service portal that keeps employee engaged throughout the ‘Hire to Retire’ cycle.